League of Legends Team Comps
In League of Legends, outplaying your opponents and making the best decisions in game can lead you to the victory screen. However, the decision-making doesn’t start when you enter the Rift. Before the actual game, brainstorming about the draft and finding the best strategy for your team can make your life much easier in the game.
There are millions of possible combinations that you can create with all the champions in League of Legends. Considering the variety of the champions in the game, there are also many different ways to win a game. Today, we will analyze the most preferred composition of League of Legends: Engage Comp!
What is Engage Comp in League of Legends?
When it comes to League of Legends team comps, Engage comp is the most common comp in the game. The main win condition of this team comp is pretty straightforward: Moving as a team and going head-to-head team fights with your opponent.
However, like every other composition in League of Legends, engage comps have advantages and disadvantages. Before diving into the detailed analysis of the Engage comp, I am putting a Comp Creator app here in which you can create your own compositions and see the weak and strong sides of them.
What do you need to create an Engage Comp?
There are some key elements that you must have to play Engage comp. To start with, a good Engage skillset is a must for your team. (No shit, Sherlock!) Team fighting is what you team best does, so champions like Jarvan IV or Hecarim are mandatory for your team.
Secondly, you must have enough CC to lock the enemy team down. Without enough CC, it is hard to execute team fights because your opponent can just run back and escape to safety. To avoid this, you also need champions like Leona and Rakan.
Finally, to combine with your other champions, you need damage. You can use high DPS champions like Jinx and Kog’Maw (They are more suitable for a protect comp though). However, the optimal picks for you are champions like Miss Fortune and Samira are more suitable for your team.
In this video, you can see an awesome ‘wombo-combo’ from T1. Their comp was an Engage comp and they executed what they needed to do perfectly!
What are the Pros of Engage Comp?
As we mentioned at the start, both in Pro Play and solo-queue, it is safe to say that Engage is comp the most preferred one. The reason behind this is pretty easy to understand.
By using an Engage Comp, you will have the easiest win condition of all other League of Legends team comps. Whether you are a grandmaster or a bronze team, moving as a team around the map isn’t hard to do. As your win condition is team fights, as long as you move together, executing this one will not be an issue.
What are the cons of this Composition?
Although engage comps are relatively easy to play with, there are still some important factors that you should keep in mind. First of all, your win condition depends on your team fighting ability, so you mustn’t start a fight without your ultimates. Almost every champion in your team needs his/her ultimate to shine in a team fight so always check your cooldowns before taking an action.
You also need to get the upper hand at the early/mid stages of the game. As you get close to the late game, your job will get harder and harder. When you hit level 6, you need to play proactively and get ahead of your opponent.
What is a good Engage Comp?

In the image, which is created in Comp Builder by ProComps, you can observe a perfect example of an Engage comp. With a composition like this, you will have enough CC to lockdown the enemies and enough damage to follow up.
These are all the information you need about League of Legends Engage comps. Stay tuned for our blogs about other comps. For now, you can check ProComps app and find the perfect comp for you and your team!