A Complete Guide To League Of Legends Team Comps – SPLIT Comp

In our 3rd article about League of Legends comps, after Engage and Protect comps, this time we will analyze Split comp. Although many people try to play Split without even noticing, knowing the details of this comp and having a better understanding of its strengths and weaknesses is very important.

What is Split Comp in League of Legends?

The idea behind this comp is picking a strong split-pusher duelist who can win any 1v1 matchup against enemy champions. Because of his/her 1v1 dominance, the enemy team has to send multiple champions against that champion. There are two scenarios in which the enemy team sends or doesn’t send reinforcements, which will lead to a lose-lose situation for them. Let’s analyze scenario 1:

If they don’t send 1 or 2 more champions to your split pusher, that champion can keep pressuring the side lanes. Enemy laner will watch the towers fall one by one or die while defending them. Either way, you can push till the Nexus!

In scenario 2, they send help to their solo laner. If this happens, other champions in the team can force objectives on the other side of the map. For example, if your split pusher pressures bot lane, the other 4 members can take Baron, or fight against an outnumbered enemy team around Baron. In both scenarios, you have the upper hand!

What do you need to create Split Comp?

To create a Split comp, a strong duelist is a must! You need to pick a champion that can turn into a 1v1 monster as the game progresses like Fiora, Tryndamere, or Trundle. Both of these champions are capable of winning outnumbered skirmish fights.

Besides the split pusher, you also need to pick the other champions of your team according to your Split strategy. For that, you need a couple of champions that can clear minion waves from a safe range. This will help you avoid team fights and provide more time&space for your split-pusher. You can always use champions like Ziggs and Gangplank.

Finally, it is always good to have some disengage mechanics in Split comp. When the enemy team sees you outnumbered, they most likely want to start a team fight. To avoid these dangerous champions, picking champions like Gragas and Renata Glasc is also helpful.

What are the Pros of Split Comp?

Pressure is the key word. Depending on your strategy (1-3-1 or 1-4) you can put pressure on multiple lanes and objectives simultaneously. By doing this, you can force the enemy team to make bad calls throughout the game.

What are the Cons of Split Comp?

Split comp might be the riskiest in League of Legends, along with Siege.

To start with, Split comp requires perfect communication. You need a good understanding of when to push, and when to retreat but most importantly, you need to execute all these things in harmony with your teammates. For example, if you are pushing solo and your teammates are in your base, the enemy team can close to you as 5 and don’t lose anything in exchange.

Vision is very important. Without enough vision, split pushing can end with giving free kills to your opponent. Furthermore, to avoid outnumbered team fights, your teammates also need good vision on the map.

What is a good Split Comp?

split comp

In the image, which is created in Comp Builder by ProComps, you can see a good example of a Split comp. With a composition like this, you can create Split opportunities for Jax and Irelia -or even both-. The rest of the team can clear minion waves and disengage easily if the enemy team makes a move.

If you did not check our blogs about Engage and Protect comps, we would highly recommend them. Also, if you want to win the games before they even start, check ProComps app to improve your drafting skills!

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