LoL Team Comps Matchups – Master the Science of the Game

In League of Legends, there are more than 160 champions so the variety of the comps is countless. However, we can group these comps into 5 main classes: Engage, Pick, Protect, Siege and Split. We analyzed all LoL team comps in our previous blogs so if you haven’t read them yet, we recommend you to check them first before diving into their relationship with each other.

LoL Team Comps

lol team comps matchup analysis

As you can see in the chart, each comp has certain advantages and disadvantages over other comps. In this blog, we will analyze all of the LoL team comps and explain what your game plan should be against other comps. Also, in ProComps app, you can see information about all LoL team comps and many other helpful tips&tricks for your live games in the pre-game guide!

Playing as Engage comp:

When you play an Engage comp, your win condition is always sticking together. No matter what, you need to move as a team to avoid getting picked. Playing safe at the early stages of the game is also important. Your team comp relies on your ultimates so you must wait till level 6.

Starting from mid-game, you can force team fights to show your dominance at team fights. Baiting for drake or baron can be beneficial in this case.

Playing as Pick Comp:

Patience is the key when you play Pick comp against an Engage comp. You must avoid 5v5 team fights and take vision as much as you can. Your comp is all about making ‘picks’ so waiting for your opponent’s mistakes is your best strategy.

Also, to avoid pressure, you need to clear side-lanes whenever you can. By doing that, you can force your opponent to split and repel their pressure.

Playing as Engage comp:

Protect comp is arguably the strongest comp in the late-game. Because of that, when you play Engage comp, you need to force team fights in the early&mid-game. Fighting 5v5 is your condition but Protect comp is better than you at the late-game.

Furthermore, forcing your opponent to split can be useful. You can win skirmish fights on the opposite side of their hyper-carry.

Playing as Protect comp:

For every Protect comp, playing safe at the early-game is crucial. Your comp shines in the late-game so you need to get over early&mid-game with minimum loss. You can force and win team fights easily in the late-game.

To force fights, your best option is to stay grouped and force objectives. As long as you manage to cover for your hyper-carry, you win late-game fights.

Playing as Engage comp:

Being decisive is one of the most important things while playing against Siege comp. You need clear shot-calling and decision-making whether you want to engage or disengage. If you stall and/or stay close to your opponent, they can poke you down from a long distance.

Instead of going head to head, utilizing flanks can help your comp. If you can start team fights from flanks, you can catch your opponent off guard.

Finally, when you start, your main target must be the source of the poke damage. If you can kill these champion(s), siege comp can’t challenge any objectives.

Playing as Siege comp:

When you play Siege comp, with the pressure you can put, getting an early advantage is what you need. This advantage doesn’t have to be from kills. If you can get a couple turrets and drakes at the early stages of the game, you can use this advantage to outclass your opponent.

Also, never forget to get vision from the flanks. You don’t want to participate in team fights so with this vision advantage, your disengage can be easier.

Playing as Engage comp:

Your opponent’s game plan is all about their split pusher. If you camp the split pusher and make him/her fall behind in the early-game, you can win the game before the split pusher hits the power spike.

To execute this you need good vision, especially around the split pusher. If you are sure that that champion doesn’t have a backup, don’t hesitate to dive and make him lose experience and gold.

Finally, your comp is way more suitable for team fights than your opponent. To start fights, you can force and/or bait for natural objectives and wait for their miss position.

Playing as Split comp:

In Split comp, you rely on your split pusher. You need to funnel all the resources to that champion. If you can make him/her get ahead of the game, your opponent can’t stop the split power.

However, you need to track the enemy team as much as possible. Get vision, especially around your split pusher, and protect him/her from unwanted visitors.

Don’t forget that your team is not well suited for team fights. When the enemy tries to force fights around natural objectives, the best thing you can do is look for steals instead of kills.

Playing as Pick comp:

When you play Pick comp, you need to show your dominance in the early game. However, instead of forcing fights in bad positions, be patient and decisive. You have the early game advantage but if you make too many mistakes while forcing fights, the recovery can be impossible.

Mobility is also important for Pick comp. We mentioned you have the early-game advantage. To use this, ganking and roaming at the early-game is important. While doing that, don’t forget to get vision as much as possible to find unexpected ‘pick’ opportunities. Also, rotating around objectives by using your mobility is helpful for you because your opponent’s hyper-carry can’t be everywhere at the same time.

Playing as Protect comp:

Protect comp is all about ‘protecting’ your hyper-carry. You need to stay grouped all the time and never let your hyper-carry stay alone. Even if you need to face check, it can’t be your hyper-carry; who is your win condition.

When your hyper-carry gets his/her core items, all you need to do is march down from mid-lane. As long as you move as a team, Pick comp can’t do much against you.

If you think you can’t start fights as many as you desire, you can use your own champions as bait except for your hyper-carry. Even though you lose 1 or 2 champions by doing that, your hyper carry can win the fights for you.

Playing as Pick comp:

Vision is important for any comp in League of Legends. However, if you are playing Pick comp against Siege comp, it is essential! To execute the ‘picks’ you need to get vision and also deny your opponent’s vision.

Pressuring multiple objectives can open the game for you. Rotate in every possibility and keep your eyes open for kills while doing that.

Playing as Siege comp:

The game is in your favor so you need to play slow and methodically. You should be stronger in 5v5 fights but playing careless can lose the game for you. Stay at a safe distance and move together as a team all the time.

Your opponent is great at one-shotting lone rangers so avoid face-checking.

Finally, instead of following your opponent around the map, be decisive and threaten the most valuable objective on the map.

Playing as Pick comp:

When you play against a Split comp, you must slow down the split pusher. Your opponent’s main win condition is the split pusher so you should use all of your resources -don’t hesitate to use your summoner spells- to make that champion fall behind.

In the later phases, instead of going into head-to-head fights, try to bait your opponent into following you. If they fall into that trap, you can kill 1 or 2 champions and use the additional resources you get against them.

Playing as Split comp:

Your main win condition is your split pusher(s). You need to funnel your resources on him so he can win 1v2 fights to relieve pressure off your team. To provide him/her with more resources, you can hide allies in the bushes near your split pusher to counter-gank if necessary.

Also, if your opponent uses multiple champions for a pick, always try to get -or at least pressure- objectives on the other side of the map. Even though they get a kill, getting an objective is way beneficial throughout the game.

Playing as Protect comp:

When you play Protect comp against Siege comp, you must start team fights as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you can get poked down and be unable to fight anymore.

Also, you need to be aware of your power spikes and play around it. You can start team fights but your hyper-carry isn’t strong enough, the fights can be a disaster for you.

Finally, get as much as vision possible. This will help you both start team fights and dodge your opponents’ long-range skill shots.

Playing as Siege comp:

Your team is only stronger if you protect your distance. You need to avoid fights and poke your opponent as much as possible. Be aware of landing your skillshots will be the decider of the game. If you can focus on enemy carries, it can make your poke even more effective!

Playing as Protect comp:

When you play against a Split comp, your opponent will align as 1-4 or 1-3-1 around the map. Because of that, starting/baiting team fights is what you need to take kills and relieve pressure from your side lanes.

Also, the baron fight is critical in this matchup. If you can take baron, your pushing power can be unstoppable. However, if the enemy takes or steals the baron, to stop their split pusher with the baron buff, you need at least 2 or 3 champions against that force.

Playing as Split comp:

In this matchup, your win condition is all on the split pusher’s shoulders. You need to avoid team fights and wave clear from a safe range at the lane your opponent tries to push.

Also, to help your split pusher, track the enemy movements and get vision around the map. By doing that, your split pusher can understand clearly when to pressure a side lane or when to retreat.

Playing as Siege comp:

If you are playing a Siege comp against a Split comp, the game is very difficult for you.

To win the game, early game is the key. You need to get an advantage as much as possible because your opponents’ late-game is most likely to be stronger than yours. To be more clear, you need a couple of kills and at least 2 towers before mid-game.

To achieve these targets, the rift herald is precious. Getting both rift heralds can help you get multiple towers or even drakes if you use them wisely.

Playing as Split comp:

For split comp, your win condition is the same as any other game. Funnel everything on your split pusher and wait for him/her to become an unstoppable force. You shouldn’t forget to get split push items like Hullbreaker to push side lanes more effectively.

Don’t forget that you have the upper hand in this game. You don’t need to force anything at the early stages of the game. If you are going even, you are winning!

This concludes our blog about LoL team comps and their relations with each other. As we mentioned at the start, checking our blogs about Engage, Pick, Protect, Siege, and Split comps can teach you more details about the comps.

Lastly, our favorite YouTuber Randomonium has great content about LoL team comps. If you like to brainstorm and learn more about League of Legends and how the game should be played, his content is highly recommended!

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